The wine cellar
Our ancestors made history preserving this wine cellar. We are the twenty-two generation family that continues to produce wines and cavas by the traditional method. The oldest document about the existence of the winery dates back to 1390, time in which the farmhouse is known as "Mas Alzina". It was not until 1653 when the heirs of the home died as a result of an epidemic, pestilence. The heiress who married a pastor, she was baptized the farmhouse with the name of Can Pascual, using the surname of her husband.
Gradually, although they had vineyards and cereal crops for own use, were expanding their wealth. Can Pascual, in its beginnings, it was an inn for proceedings change, known as the Hostal de Malcavaller. Around 1859 was finished to build what would become the new colonial-style house Can Pascual. Seven long years took to build with the money that they were going by in America two sons who were not heirs.
The wine cellar, such as we know it now, was the result of the effort to keep on working our lands and our vineyards around the finca Can Gras. Part of the production is sold to wholesalers, while another part of the grapes used to make our products that were selling in the wine vault, mostly sold in bulk. It was the last years when we incorporate the sale of cava and other products.
Gradually, although they had vineyards and cereal crops for own use, were expanding their wealth. Can Pascual, in its beginnings, it was an inn for proceedings change, known as the Hostal de Malcavaller. Around 1859 was finished to build what would become the new colonial-style house Can Pascual. Seven long years took to build with the money that they were going by in America two sons who were not heirs.
The wine cellar, such as we know it now, was the result of the effort to keep on working our lands and our vineyards around the finca Can Gras. Part of the production is sold to wholesalers, while another part of the grapes used to make our products that were selling in the wine vault, mostly sold in bulk. It was the last years when we incorporate the sale of cava and other products.